Screen Shots
Scroll down to view fifteen select screen shots from Hyper Color!

Main Window A snap shot of Hyper Color's main color choosing dialog. |

Open Hyper Color Swatch Set This is what you'll see if you open a Hyper Color Swatch Set. |

Preview Window Preferences Here are some prefs for the Preview Window. You can change its content! |

Generate Code This window generates HTML and CSS coloring code. |

Export Code You can export your colors into any program that can open *.html files! |

Import Colors from Internet Want to see what colors a particular web page uses? Just enter its URL! |

Color Box Menu This menu is a shortcut to all of the different ways you can choose colors with Hyper Color. |

Color Names Looking for ForestGreen? You'll find it in the list of over 100 different color names. |

Color Swatches A simple and quick way to get those basic colors you're looking for. |

Color Spectrum This rainbow gradient has over 20,000 colors to choose from! |

Color Slider Slide your way to the perfect RGB! |

Desktop Eyedrop™ Extract colors from your Desktop, heck, almost anything! |

Windows Default Old habits are hard to break. Take your computer's default color chooser for a spin! |

Import Color from Image Import color from almost any image in four simple steps. |

Installer Hyper Color uses InstallShield to make for a perfect install and uninstall every time! |